What is that brilliant idea you have in the back of your head?The one you wish you could build but aren't sure where to start? Or maybe you just know you want to make things… We will help you find the “hidden magic” within you needed to make your idea real in our upcoming “all in” maker course. You will learn how to turn your inspiration into a modular design,encompassing code, electronics, robotics, fabrication, sensing and networking. We start with your project idea, which we will help you come up with if needed, and then refine into a project plan that fits into the scope of our course. We then help you understand and create the pieces, andbuild them into a working usable prototype. You’ll see with the right perspective and approach, anything is possible. Our learning environment is the opposite of a classroom. It’s more like a party: the right ratio of music, atmospheric lighting and a bit of chaos to inspire and energize. You’ll have access to our well-equipped lab: laser cutter, 3d printers, vinyl cutter, electronics tools, hand tools, and more. We haveArduinos, Raspberry Pis, sensors, LEDs and robotics - open source and modular so experimenting is fun! Twenty years from now the specific tools and equipment we use will be largely obsolete, so we focus on teaching you how to take a concept and break it down into components, then find the right technologies/tools to make it work. This is a skill that stands the test of time, and can also be applied to other areas of your life immediately. | Theme: Party RevolutionHave you ever wanted to take your (or someone else’s) parties to the next level? To create that special something that will razzle and dazzle your guests and friends? At Sustainable Magic, we are experts at this. Here’s your chance to experience creating interactive art to make the environment sparkle, or perhaps a backpack that has everything needed to make a party? What will you create? We will have up to 6-8 individuals and/or small groups each working on their own project. Each group (of 1-3) will have a multi-module project that spans the six week course. This workshop is intended for adults. Come learn with us. |
Topics Covered (Partial)
Critically, we cover not only individual subjects, but also how they interface with each other. | DatesTuesdays, 7-10pm
| PricingSix Classes Package:
Additional materials may be purchased as needed; reusable materials may be refunded if desired. If you would like to be part of a group of two or three but do not have a group, contact us and we may be able to pair you up with others. |
178 Bluxome St. #510
San Francisco, CA 94107
San Francisco, CA 94107